
Secularism for the Western people is different from what we perceive and practice in India. And Spirit of Secularism was preached and practiced by our Leaders of the Nation. In fact, the word ‘Secularism’ was not there in our original Constitution. It was included in the Preamble of the Constitution in 1975.

To a Westerner secularism means separation of Church from the State.

Church was to look after ecclesiastical matters whereas State was to regulate non religious that is Secular matters.

 But it ended in cornering of Church by the State. Earlier to the Coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte as French Emperor every King or Emperor was to be appointed by the Pope. Napoleon dispensed with this practice.

 During the ceremony of his coronation he placed the French throne on his head with his own hands instead of being done by the Pope. That was the beginning of the end of Pope’s authority over Secular matters in Europe.

Later Britain cut off its yoke with the Pope by forming Church of England. King or Queen of England thus became Ecclesiastical or religious head  of the England instead of Pope.

Interestingly secularism for the Christian West is not Atheism for the State but simply there State becomes head of the Church by cutting off of the Pope’s yoke of hegemony over the Country. But in India common man perceives that State should not have a religion of its own. But framers of our Constitution did not want State to be a Non religious body or entity.

It is said when confronted with a question by a journalist about practice of Hindu rituals during Bhumi Pujas or inauguration ceremonies Nehru categorically told that India is a Hindu country and religious practices of the people and of the land must be honoured and practiced.

Let us look at What Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel said about Secularism. Patel declared at the Jaipur session of the Congress held in 1948, that the Congress and the Government were determined to make India a truly Secular State. And Patel in 1950 said that ‘ Ours is a Secular State. Here every Muslim should feel that he is an Indian citizen and has equal rights as an Indian citizen. IF we cannot make him feel like this, we shall not be worthy of our heritage and of our country’.

I think Hindu religion is the only religion in India Persecuted by the Government of India by all means in the name of Secularism.

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The above comment was written by me in reaction to a news item

‘”I-T dept questions merit in granting exemption to Iskcon’s restaurant chain Govinda’ ” in Economic times dt 25.3.13.

Well. Hope Justice would be done posthumously to the ill fated couple Sohrabuddin Sheikh and Kauser Bi in due course of the prosecution. But why not CBI open and investigate several other cases of ‘Encounter’ killings at the behest of State Governments, through the Police, where Hindus are killed in the name of Anti Socials and Naxals ?

My comment was Agreed by 7 and disagreed by 5 of TOI readers.

Agree (7), Disagree (5), Recommend (2), Offensive 0

The above comment was written by me in reaction to a news item “Hyderabad Intel IG chargesheeted in Sohrab case”, dt. 15.5.13. Two Andhra Pradesh police personnel including an IPS officer were named accused in the Sohrabuddin Sheikh fake encounter case.Time